Amahagan World Malt Yamazakura Wood Finish 47% 700ml

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Amahagan World Malt Yamazakura Wood Finish 47% 700ml

编码 CODE : WW858014
条形码 BARCODE : 4573286170454
包装规格 PACKAGING : 700ml x 6 支btls
酒精度 ALCOHOL : 47%
原产国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : 日本 Japan

[特点 Features]

这款 Amahagan Yamazakura Wood Finish 融合了来自新兴长滨酿酒厂的麦芽。 该酒厂现在拥有多种威士忌,在日本及其他地区广受好评。 这一款将“Yamazakura”的精髓——Yama 意为山,Sakura 意为樱花树——注入瓶中。 清新的野樱花香气与淡淡的焚香、橙皮和黑蜂蜜相结合,营造出美妙的整体饮用体验。
This Amahagan Yamazakura Wood Finish is a fantastic blend of malts from the up and coming Nagahama distillery. The distillery now has a number of whiskies in its range and they have been well received in Japan and beyond. This one brings the essence of “Yamazakura” – Yama meaning mountains and Sakura referring to Cherry Blossom trees – to the bottle. Refreshing aromas of wild cherry blossom combine with hints of incense, orange peel and black honey to create a fantastic overall drinking experience.

[口感 Taste]

红糖、橙皮。 在此之后,华丽典雅的甜味蔓延在你的嘴。如茶般清爽舒适的涩味馀味。
Brown sugar, orange peel. After that, the gorgeous and elegant sweetness spread in your mouth. Long, refreshing and comfortable astringency finish like tea.

[嗅感 Smell]

甜美而溫柔。 來自長濱新品牌的麥芽甜味。 它具有讓人聯想到日本的櫻花和李子香氣。
Sweet and gentle. Malt sweetness from NAGAHAMA new make. It features cherry blossom and plum aroma reminiscent of Japan.

[成份 Ingredients]

Malt, Grain